I've been watching Nyan Neko Sugar Girls lately. If you don't know it, watch it and be prepared to cringe and laugh a lot. Also now I can't hear the song "True Love" without the "You're not an ordinary fella!!" voiceclip or it feels weird. My brain now associates it with the song. "True Love" is the show's opening song by the way. I wonder if SoapOpera46 is good at DDR. If the soundclip is of SoapOpera46 playing DDR then clearly she's good at it. I wish I were good at rhythm games. I'm only moderately good at FNF. Like, I could beat the game when it comes out probably. I'm def rusty though so I'd have to practice. But still, when FNF is finally done, someone call me up, I'll probably beat it >:3!! Although I'm pretty sure FNF is a DDR clone.. Or like, DDR mixed with Parappa the Rapper. I've always wanted to play Parappa 2. I have a PS2 so I could.. if I got the darn AV cables fixed >:OO!! The AV cables tore when we moved around the time I started the blog and I can't afford new ones. And worse, I gotta use one of those crappy AV to HDMI converter thingies. I have two of them but I don't know if they work because I'm too lazy to test it on the N64. I only have 3 months left of school and then I'm no longer a highschooler! I better get a job before I become a NEET. Anyways I wear glasses now. I keep getting compliments for them and I feel kinda nice about it. It's been a while since the last time I was confident. In other news a bunch of nimrods tried to steal our lunch spot. What a bunch of jerks. Our bags were there for a reason. If they show up again today I might chew them out for it. They won't get away with being so mean on my watch. In other news my comic has a lot of pages now and I really feel like I'm getting somewhere! I've even gotten noticed drawing it in class. I might even have some future readers!
Arizona winters are the best. It never gets too hot or too cold and I love it for that. Plus people here love to decorate for Christmas and other holidays so it's fun walking around the neighborhood and looking at all the decorated houses. Plus since it never snows we don't have to shovel snow when December and January hit. I'm sad winter is so close to over. In other news I've been making up a ton of assignments for Politics lately. I didn't have time to do them sooner so I'm doing them now! I don't know if you can tell my lack of time by lack of blog entries lately or not but I've been busy. On the flipside I wonder what winter is like on the East Coast. I haven't seen snow since I was about 6 so it would be nice to take a walk in a snowy town. I've been sick lately so I've been playing a lot of Tekken 3. Combos in that game are so hard though. You can really only use them for certain things and for some reason the names are cut off by the side of the screen so I can't even read them! So yeah, I suck at fighting games. Well, I'm definitely better at Tekken 3 than Street Fighter 2 Turbo so there's that. Weirdly enough I'm actually good at combos in rhythm games instead.
God I'm like so bored right now. I'm in photography and we have the most boring project ever: Light Balance. Like, you could've given us an explanation or a "here's how to do it," but an entire project overstays its welcome. I actually don't like most ways my school does things. Like for example, when you don't have any classes left for the day but school's not over, you're not even allowed to visit your old teachers or your classmates or anything, you're expected to go to the library or you're skipping. Meanwhile people actually get away with skipping for reals in places like the bathrooms, which means nobody who actually needs to use the bathroom gets to because of some stupid "hallway traffic limit". Like, hello?? If you're gonna limit hallway traffic do it in a way that would help us get to class on time. I just don't get it, why does my school always punish the wrong people? There are some real assholes here, why not punish them? Like the line skippers. About two packs of five people skip the lunch line in front of me before I can grab my lunch and they usually try to intimidate people into just letting them skip. This is a pretty serious problem because it makes getting lunch an actual hassle.
I beat Pokemon White, what do I do now? I could try playing Pokemon Platinum but there's a problem... Pokemon Platinum is really hard.
So I'm making substantial progress on Hello: Don't Panic and thought I should tell you something. The story will be told very out of order based on which stories I wish to tell first. Our story will start in September 2024 and end whenever I feel like it, but will have a chronological timeline I refuse to follow with things like "release dates". I suggest just reading it in order or out of order just because each chapter is its own mini-story which will have one big story all the small ones contribute to. This also allows me to mess with stuff like outfits and character designs. For example, I might make Josh wear a hoodie in the summer or give myself a ponytail. We're teenagers, we experiment. Also I will not "finalize" anything. Too much effort for something I'm putting all my real free time, my heart and soul, as well as a lot of pencil lead. Even if it isn't "clean" or "professional", that's not the point. The point is to tell a story, adapted in comic form told with people I know and care about, featuring real dynamics. I hope you will enjoy it. Making it work on the web will be weird but worth it.
So let's rewind, a while back around christmas I got an emulation console from my dad. It was the one that people tell you not to buy because it can't run every console that well. First thing I thought to do? Put ROM Hacks on it. So now I have Pokemon Prism on it. How epick of me. Unfortunately, ROM Hacks of Pokemon Emerald don't work. I can play regular ol' Emerald on my real GBA but it sucks not being able to hack it or see what I'm doing during gameplay. My solution so far? None. Just wait. Would be cool if I found a way to upgrade the specs though so the games I want to play work as intended.
So why am I writing two days in a row? I don't know, I just had stuff to talk about so I did. Another day, another blogpost, I guess??? Anyways school wi-fi is shit if you didn't know. Also I'm working on a new chapter of Hello: Don't Panic! Sorry it took so long but Rey flaked out on me. What's the new chapter about? Guess you'll find out! I promise it'll be worth a read, I have definitely had fun making it so I think y'all will enjoy. Just be warned, the artstyle is gonna be lower quality than usual because I actually have to make it and I don't have all day to draw and how often I get artblock so not a good combo. Yea I gotta admit the artstyle will be kinda derpy this time 'round. Don't worry, you'll laugh. Why? Because I'm fucked in the head and people who are fucked in the head are good at making people laugh. This chapter will introduce the Horizon Highschool cast, which contains important people like Joshua and Melvin. Also ignore the flip-phones and blackberry phones, those are for aesthetics only. They take place when they say they take place!
So here's an interesting question: if modern smartphones never really took off, what phone would you have now? I think I'd have a slide phone, those old phones which slide out and have a keyboard or a controller on the part that slides out. Probably an LG. I actually looked it up and people still make them but they aren't all that common. Also they leave a pretty big hole in your wallet for a phone that is usually mid-range. Also they're all rugged and have those annoying jagged edges so you can't really do much with them aesthetics wise. The old ones are still out there but good luck if you can even load my blog on one without getting a virus. They aren't supported anymore. Honorable mention goes to old smartphones. I said MODERN SMARTPHONES in the question. Old ones like Samsung Star are still in question because let's be honest, the Samsung Star was more a feature phone than a smartphone. Also it had BUTTONNSSSS!11! (I love buttons).
So I may or may not be getting into the Game Gear Sonic the Hedgehog games. I love Sonic Megacollection Plus so much, like, heck yeah I wanna play Sonic Chaos on PS2. On another note, I'm getting my friends into the Class of '09 games/anime. Melvin thinks that it's hilarious and I'm glad because I was worried he'd dislike it due to its excessive humor, but he likes it. Anyways I'm currently writing this in Government and Politics class because I finished early and I'm hella bored. Guess I'll write more. But about what... Well I've been listening to the music artrist JX. They make a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog OST covers. My favorite is the 16-bit covers of Sonic Superstars' OST. They're really good. Here's the link to the playlist if you're interested. I'm actually listening to their cover of Speed Jungle right now. On another note you may have heard of Sonic XA for PS1. I want to play it but I think I'mma wait till they finish it. I also played Sonic Galactic recently. Check it out, it's amazing. If it were official it really would be the true Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Anyways I might go now and just browse the web. Bye byee!!
So I decided to go back and squash some bugs. Why? Bored and found a solution. Anyways I'm busy coming up with a new design for the homepage because the current one is icky and messy and it makes me look bad. What will I do today? Dunno. Maybe I will watch Sonic the Hedgehog 3, maybe not. If I do, prepare for ramblings about how hecking cool it was. Anyways, sorry this was short. Can't think of anything else tbh. Byeee.
So today I'm very much bored. I was gonna play Sonic Rush 3D, however, it apparently requires an Xbox 360 controller. That's literally the ONE console I don't have. I have the original Xbox though. Thought I'd put that out there, I have an Xbox, just not a 360. This brings me to my master plan. So, my friend has an Xbox 360 controller and I think I'll just borrow it from him. Like, we can trade or something. I'll trade him a PS2 controller in the meantime. What will he use it for? Good question. One I do not yet have an answer for. That's where the problem comes in, I have controllers but not as many as he does. I need a controller to play a game demo. I wonder if he'll just let me borrow it or something. He might if I promise to give it back in a set amount of time, probably just a day since the demo is probably like 15 minutes long. The demo contains Leaf Storm and that one level with the song "Back 2 Back". It was in Generations.
Just had a weird thought, why is Mario so easy to voice act? I mean, I can barely sound like someone my age and yet somehow, by some miracle, sounding like an acrobatic plumber who eats mushrooms and flowers is easier?? So odd.. Also I can perfectly say "It's-a me, Super Mario on the PS4 WAHOOOOOO" without messing up. Definitely a neat trick to impress random weirdos I meet in person. I cannot voice act any other characters, only Mario, so it's crazy I can even do it.
It's so weird putting "25" at the end of the date. I never thought I'd make it this far. Y'know, I originally started this blog out of boredom, and having nothing better to do in class one day, I began to write. I made the base site pink, removed the neocities watermark, and started typing. To this day I'm still having fun with this and I wanted to say to anyone still reading, thanks! Thanks a lot! I'm pretty sure someone's out there, I mean my site has about.. 2,000 visits now? I really want to thank you guys. I don't know if anyone is actually supporting me but I like to think there's someone out of the 2,000 of you who keeps up with me and my nonsense. Also on an unrelated note, I've been reading a comic called FanBlog. It's a romance comic about a couple of blog writers who meet online. One who already had her own and an anonymous user who made a fanblog about her where she gushes about her huge gay crush on her. I reccommend, five stars. Please read it if you're gay or like romance, or a mix of the two/mesh of the two.
On another note, I'm getting rid of all the debug stuff like patch notes and the image test. It's unprofessional and makes me look like more of a mess than I already am. Not to mention I don't need a patch notes page, I mean, Neocities already updates everything I add to the site on my profile's activity page. So yeah, say bye-bye to that stuff, it wasn't that useful anyways. Anyways I corrected the quote from the random ass weezer meme and I should be working on a Pokemon White ad but I wanna do blog shit so here we have blog shit, kekw. I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing right now but I'm bored sooooo...
So I've been playing Pokemon Big Blue (an Open-World Pokemon game taking place in Kanto), just a li'l bit. I wish I had more time to play it cuz it's really fun to just explore and catch all sorts of cool Pokemon. So far I've noticed you can catch various starters in the wild, there's level scaling but it only scales to your gym badge count, and there's a way to skip Viridian Forest entirely. I kid you not, I did it. There's literally a path right next to it that was there in the original Gen 1 games but it was blocked by a tree you had to use Cut on. Also for some reason Viridian City has a gym leader now, Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket and the original 8th gym leader. Not sure when to challenge him to be totally honest. I actually think I'll just go out and catch tons of Pokemon before I challenge any more gyms. I've only challenged Brock so far. I tried showing the game to a friend and he wasn't that interested. I wish I had friends that liked Pokemon, but I guess it makes sense that they don't, I mean, isn't 18 a bit old to like Pokemon? No, the answer is no. Pokemon is loved by people of all ages and if it were just kids it wouldn't be the #1 highest grossing franchise. You don't just become #1 by appealing only to kids.
So new year's resolution..? Beat Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I will spend SO MUCH TIME practicing the Sonic & Knuckles half so I can beat it. I'll probably beat it on my laptop or my switch but my DS is also a possibility. That's all I can say for now. Also Sonic Galactic has a second demo now, play it.
So I finally finished my finals. Someone should put that sentence in a poem. Anyways ya they're finished now. I will now be going on hiatus for the winter break. Right now I am listening to that new Miku song about UNO on this wonderful thursday. I have plans to hang out with friends ov'r the break. I also did something I'm proud of. I finally spoke up about a thing to a friend I'd been meaning to tell them about myself. It was a little scary at first but now that I have their support I don't mind! I might make a new OC and post about them. I think I'll beat Sonic Superstars over the break too. I finally have all the chaos emeralds so I'll just beat the final levels! I can't wait to unlock Tripp! She's so cute! I also just like more female rep in 2D Sonic, as someone who always chooses the girl to play as. Y'know what I heard? That one Miku songa bout vegetable juice is an ad!! I find it much more comical now that I know that. Anyways I also wanna take 57 photos over the break to actually hit the thing. We have this voting board in photography where we vote on random stuff and this time it was "how many photos will you take over the break?" and well, 57 is more than 3 and much much less than 2,734 or 8,139. I wonder if I'll get extra credit for actually doing it XDD!1! I also got a new camera recently.. It's bad but now I have a collection.
I'll stick to my Nikon Coolpix S6200 because believe it or not it's actually a good camera. It's low pixels but at least all the photos aren't yellow tinted. I hate cameras that do that. Like, no, my room is not covered in piss, stop making it piss yellow, please, that's gross. But yeah, if you want a good retro camera? Nikon Coolpix S6200 is yo'r best bet lolz. Actually I kinda wanna find a definitive list of retro Nikon cameras. Yeah I consider 2010 retro for handheld cameras because retro tech is actually supposed to be good and guess what old Nikon cams are? Good. I guess S6300 is okay too? Really depends on whether you want the camera to have slightly round edges or not. Yes I know, so different.. Why would they make a new model of just.. THAT. I guess the S9900 is good too but it's rather new, releasing in 2015. My sister is older than that camera. Also it's crazy expensive, costing 450USD on average. I think it's about the same in EURO? I could be wrong, I don't live in Europe. I should take a trip there sometime though, it sounds fun! I'd prob get weird looks though because I'm a bit on the eccentric side IRL. Even people in Arizona look at me and think I'm weird as hell. Luckily it's normal in North Carolina or I'd lose my mind. I don't live there but I go there every summer, it's tradition.
Every summer I go to North Carolina to visit my Grandma, my Papa, my uncle and my cousins and my old neighbors. I used to live there but I moved to the big city when I was about six or seven years old. It's like a nostalgia trip I take every year, literally. Usually we go to the beach too because North Carolina is right on the East Coast. You might be wondering, if I was raised in North Carolina, am I religious? Well, I don't believe in any set religion. I believe in different parts of different religions. I won't say which ones out loud so as not to feed the Karens. Speaking of the name Karen, I actually like it because it reminds me of the girl from Frosty the Snowman. I kinda wish Karen wasn't a name tainted by entitled ladies in their 40s because if it weren't, I'd probably name a future dog Karen.
I kinda want to make one of my friends watch Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and see how they feel about it. I told him it's a psychological horror anime so I'm curious on how he thinks of it once we finsih watching. Also I know this sounds dumb but Bad Apple sounds like a Madoka Magica song. Like, if they added a new character, it would be their transforming track, kinda like how Mami, Sayaka and Homura have theirs. Anyways I wonder how my friend Lucas will react to magical lesbians dying. I know his reaction will at least be entertaining. Although it's gonna suck getting him through episodes one and two since nothing bad happens in those. Well, it'll be like how he got me through the bad route in OMORI.
Guys guys okay this is gonna be super short but I drew myself digitally! It's been a while since I digitally did an art.
Hello I am back!! I went to the mall and bought pins fromn Hot Topic, I also got a cute strawberry bow which is weird as hell because I thought Hot Topic sold goth clothes and accessories only. I mean they do sell them but they sell a lot more than that. I wanted a Pink Floyd shirt but I couldn't afford it. I also got a cute multicolored pen with Kuromi on it from an asian import store!! I say asian import and not Japanese because they also had Korean goods as well, such as spicy fry chips I didn't buy because they were spicy and I have no spice tolerance. I wish I had a spice tolerance though, I get teased a lot for it. I also got to go to Emma's house beforehand so we ate some chicken nuggies and me, Emma, Vee, and Kie set off to the mall. Also the people who made Kie's food misspelled her name as "Key" on the thing. It was pretty funny. Also because of all of this I got tons of footage for my graduation scrapvideo! (Coming to a YouTube near you in 2025!!)
As for important stuff, none has happened! I've been in a somewhat crappy mood this morning but I'm sure if I pretend to be happy it'll all go away, right? I heard it works on the news once. I also drank today's Dr. Thunder (I can't afford th' real deal) to cheer myself up. Didn't work but I'll pretend it did! If I'm brutally honest, I'm scared and barely holding my stuff together because I keep having nightmares and can't sleep well OR go to bed early without being harassed about chores. But let's pretend that isn't true! I wanna be happy soooo bad! So what makes me happy.. hmmm.. howsabout cats? I love those silly li'l beanz. Oh! And spelin' stuf badly on perpis!! Ai lub doin dat!! Ehehehe,.. Hmmmm............ What else is happy? I like Hatsune Miku a lot. I'm listening to Magical Cure Love-Shot as I write this! It's so hard doing this without my usual whimsical attitude but I really wanna write another long-winded blog post to make up for not posting much anymore. I swear I haven't abandoned the site, I'm just suuuper busy! Busy doing nothing but still!!
I'm trying to create a magical girl OC! Her name is Strawberry Red. She fights bad guys with a yo-yo and has curly long hair like mine. I'll post a new picture of her as soon as I can I swear!! She's cute and I drew her with my new multicolored pen!! Her transforming item is a camera just like mine and she loves it a tons just like I do with mine! Yeah, if you haven't guessed she's almost like a self-insert. I love making self-inserts because they make me feel less ugly.
Okay so weird idea, hear me out!! Kel from Omori in a Miku cosplay because both of their memes are always canon!! That would be silly. Okay I can't really write about anything else, I'm outta ideas. I go bye now, byee!!
My birthday is tomorrow! Just wanted to say that. Have a goood day! Byee!!
If anyone asks me "Why do you play Minecraft Beta?" I think I'll respond with something like "Why do you not play Minecraft Beta?" I mean, I absolutely love playing old versions of Minecraft and just messing around. Right now I'm making a world on Beta 1.6, the Map Update and I'm just building whatever silly things come to mind. One of my favorite builds right now is my "ladder to hell" which will hopefully lead straight down to a pool of lava and killing anyone who falls in. I'm gonna be working on a windmill soon since it seems to be mandatory. Who doesn't build a windmill in a Minecraft Beta world? I have a small house at the moment which looks shed-like, a dog named Fido, and a bridge leading to a gravel mine so I can make more paths. I plan on eventually building enough so that I can link a world download and some screenshots so people get all impressed. I might build a cabin in the woods too, based kind of on Little Red Riding Hood. Maybe I'll keep my dogs in the cabin, like a wooden doghouse. I'll try to convince one of my school friends to help me build it.
Not to brag but I might be making a Gameboy Color game soon in GB Studio. I have the whole story and how the characters and controls will work lined out and now all that's left is to actually make the game. Luckily for me, there are plenty of tutorials out there! I won't spoil it but if I make a working demo, I'll make a page for it here and you can download it and play it on your own emulator or console! (Will not work with the Gameboy Advance Mini or the Nintendo DS line, as this is a Gameboy Color game and those consoles do not support Gameboy Color cartridges or software). I do not have a projected release window for the game and I will not say what it is about yet. I will say it is an RPG though. Yes, with a battle system, likely akin to MOTHER. Stay tuned! In any case I found one hell of a resource for the development of this website. It is a website but it isn't blocked at school so it will help. Stay tuned for a future overhaul.
Let's talk about comics! Specifically, MY comic, Hello: Don't Panic!! So basically, I'm considering recruiting a boy named Rey to help me draw in-between comic strips while I work on major chapters, or maybe just guest comics in general. I know a few artistically indept people who can help me make this a reality and I was thinking about making this possible A.S.A.P. so I have filler content while I work on Track 1. So how does that sound? You get moar comics and character building before the release of the first major chapter and I get to finish Track 1 in peace. In other news, I will be adding fonts for the Shavian English reform. And on the side I will be translating the blog entries to Shavian via my cellphone which has a Shavian keyboard. Shavian's basically a way to write English exactly how it sounds. And as a bonus, it looks like alien runes!! I will be using two main fonts to write Shavian text on the site and for people who cannot read it, it will be entirely optional. One of the Shavian fonts will be compatible with almost every unicode character, minus some emojis, which includes Japanese and English with Roman characters (how you're reading this now).
I'm enlisting help for my comic and I'll be translating the blog to Shavian for whatever nerds also know how to read it. Have a nice day, byee!!
I am NOT talking about politics. Luckily however, I have a new topic. A Minecraft YouTuber I like. His name is mrpancake4343, and he makes content similar to Technoblade did when he was alive. Ain't that cool?? Sidenote: RIP Technoblade. I know it gets said a lot but it was epick while he was around. But basically, this guy makes content with very similar storytelling and chaos to Technoblade's content. And has a similar voice.
On another note, I also finally got past Chargestone Cave in Pokemon White. I have eight gym badges now, whatcha gonna do, Elite 4?? Team Plasma?? Whatcha gonna do?? On top of that I finally made a logo for this site!! I will be working on custom buttons and graphics for the homepage and stuff as time goes on and I will be basically overhauling the art direction of the whole site. My friends are bound to be hella impressed. Sidenote if you're reading this and I know you IRL, hello!! Hi!! You like my site?!
Anyways, if you're out there and trans and alive, stay safe. Even if you aren't trans, stay safe. Actually, just stay safe, period. Don't die, idiots.
I get to go to a sleepover today at a friend's house. For the sake of their privacy I shalln't mention their name. However I will mention I want to finally get out of Chargestone Cave in Pokemon White. Chargestone Cave is the worst by the by. I've been stuck there all summer. I will also be working on a seeecret project..
Happy Halloween! Time for some ramblings! So today when my friend asked me how to spell "tsunami" he said outloud to the whole class that I know Japanese. He isn't entirely wrong as I can read Japanese with little issue but speaking it, understanding it, and writing it? Hell naw. It's basically just a neat party trick and I'm pretty bad at it, so having it announced to an entire English class is hella embarassing.
On another note this is my last year trick or treating. I can't keep trick or treating if I'm this old. People will eventually think it's creepy.
I might move the blog to a subpage...
"Why would you do that?", I hear you asking all confused; well my interesting fellow, I simply wish to de-clutter the homepage! So you see, everyone else has a de-cluttered homepage other than me, and I have decided to fix it for the sake of literally everyone's sanity. Especially my friends since they think this site is ugly as hell, and it is. Plus I'm getting inspired by other sites as of late, if you can't tell by how many I'm adding to my "cool websites" list down at the bottom.
In another case I'm thinking of adding a warning. I don't really want little kids on this site, the idea makes me rather uncomfortable.
I see a pattern with a lot of other sites on Neocities. They have something I lack.. A header image! I need one of those! And I don't mean something like the Sailor Moon gif at the top, it's gonna be a bit better than that! I wanna try my hand at digital art again and make my own header image! Of what? I don't know. Maybe something photography related. I think I should keep with the vibrant dreamlike/childlike aesthetic this site has going on. If done right, which eventually it will be, it'll look amazing. I really do need to get my font made already tho. Only problem is that all the free services for this are so limiting.. Dangit Google and your darn ad-filled search engine. Not kewl.
As for meaningful progress, I recently applied for college. I'm hoping to get accepted because the college I applied for technically mailed me first, for starters, and for second, it's actually a good school. Actually, it's a university all the way in Flag! Ain't that epic?? I'll get to see Flag again!
I have been to Flag before, on a two day trip to the Grand Canyon for my 16th birthday, 'cuz 16th birthdays are huge. I stayed at a hotel there and got to eat breakfast. I was so excited I could barely sleep at all! So that day I got up WAAAY early and made my coffee at like.. 3 in the morning or something! The Grand Canyon is so much prettier up close. If you haven't been there, it's WAY more pretty than in photos, although quick warning, it might give you a fear of heights. It took me about a year to get over said fear afterwards. But other than that, it was SO COOL! I mean not everyone can say that they've seen one of the seven wonders of the world IN PERSON. I totally have bragging rights.
Anyways if I can get accepted into that college I can see Flag again. I actually had a really fun time just looking at nearby buildings on the way to the hotel and the way there looks so nostalgic. It reminds me of home. Yes I know I live here but I didn't always. The beginning of my childhood was spent out in the boondocks of North Carolina, also known as a sleepy town called Cedar Creek. It's not on any maps or anything but it's real I tell ya, I lived there and the town is so pretty and nostalgic. That's the place Flag reminds me of and it's why I want to go there. Also this university is supposed to be possible for people like me, which is a MAJOR help. If I go there I might actually graduate with a degree and everything! Plus the thought of the university experience is so exciting! I'll update on this if I ever get accepted!
I FINALLY PLAYED THE DEMO FOR TOREE SATURN AND OMIGOD IT'S SO FUNNN AAAAA!!! The new speed boosts make the game so fast, which actually fixes one of the only two problems with the first game which is how slow Toree is. The other problem being how short the game was but I guess it takes a lot longer if you want to A Rank every stage, which you likely will at least try to do after beating the game. I'm curious to see if the other characters will show up or if we'll be lucky enough to see someone new. I'm totally hyped for the release of the game!! I wonder if Macbat will be able to fly instead of just infinitely jumping.
On another note, Joshua wants me to catch him a jumping spider. He gave me a small container to capture it in. Luckily, jumping spiders are low maintanance and if I catch one over the weekend it won't starve before it gets to him. He knows what spiders eat, I don't. I'm sure he's gonna appreciate the help. So you see, I live in another town and in my town are spiders he can't catch and study, so that's why I have to catch it- for science! Hehe, Joshua is such a nerd, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The bug facts he knows can blow minds. Maybe I should introduce some of my friends on here! If they don't mind that is.
I decided to export a WIP version of one of my edits. Enjoy!
I keep seeing these shrine pages on other websites and it makes me want to put one on mine as an easter egg. Sounds fun. I like easter eggs and secrets. By the way, I have a previous entry coming soon. I made it on the 3rd and forgot to post it. Stay tuned for that! In other news, I'm trying to convince my friend Joshua to make a site so I can link him here and we can share ideas.
So this entry serves as a sort of test. I got a new laptop charger and can use my laptop at home sort of so now I'm using Brackets to edit code. I know, normally I use the built-in code editor but this is more convenient since I can now edit code offline and internet is hard to come by for me. I'm currently sitting on my futon with my cat. She looks happy.
So back on the topic of games! I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy 5 lately. I already played it before but went back for old times' sake. I'm working on maxxing out the mage classes. I also played through the Mother Encore Demo yesterday at a friend's place. It'll be a bit 'till I go to their place again though because of how far away I live now (1 hour away). I don't like being so far. It makes me feel like an inconvenience. My friend seems sad too since I can barely ever come over anymore.
On a happier note, I found my camcorder!! The memory card is missing, but Josh says he'll buy me a new one when he gets paid. Maybe I can upload a new video to my YouTube channel updating on where I've been. I mean, other than this blog, I've been pretty much missing from the internet for at least a month now. I really want everyone to know I'm OK. I miss my friends.
So my hiatus may end sooner than expected. I'll take a small break for the rest of this week but I might be getting a new charger soon, thanks to my friend. Shout-out to Joshua Kinzer!! If you're reading this, hello!!
As for my current plans? I plan to add another page for photos. For a while they will just be older photos, dating to two summers ago, but eventually they'll catch up to some newer stuff! Not saying my older photos are bad or anything, they're actually pretty good! As for future plans, I need to add a header to the page with buttons to the other pages, now that I have other pages. Stay tuned, cuz I'll eventually figure it out!
So my laptop charger broke. I can literally only update this on my school computer now with limited time top write. However I have some good news! I have a cute photo I edited!
I hope you like it!
Hey, I'm back! So I moved finally. We're still unpacking tho. My laptop charger broke too so I can't update my blog at home. I'm doing this on a school computer right now. I really hope I get a new charger soon, I miss Pokemon Abstract, as well as our game nights in general. Although for now my mom's boyfriend seem more worried about forcing me to unpack all the unimportant boxes than actually getting stuff done. Who in their right mind put him in charge? Seriously it might be getting to his head. Only problem is that Mom doesn't believe me despite how obvious it is. I guess love really is blind. Maybe deaf too?
Change of subjects, in Fashion Design, we're learning about Color Theory. Sadly I ended up with a kinda weird group for this assignment, because they seem less than interested. I had to guess which colors looks good on me. Other than red, I don't really know what does so I just guessed based on what I wear. I'm just gonna hope I look amazing in red, green, and blue.
So I've started working on a full chapter of Hello: Don't Panic!! It won't be out for a while, but it should give more context to the previous pages. I'll call those pages the Prologue for now. I'll try to post some more pages for the Prologue in the meantime. Each chapter will have a few pages of mini skits similar to the Prologue, just for some extra "In the meantime" content. I have a problem, though.
The image hosing site I'm using limits the file sizes like crazy. 50mb is NOTHING for image hosting. That's maybe like 10 or so images max if you're talking about actual photos. I need a better image host. I'll probably switch to postimages.org if possible. I mean it was popular enough to come up in Safari's reccommended so it's probably good. And as a bonus: It's unblocked on school wifi!! So maybe that solves the prob'm.
Now introducing: Hello: Don't Panic!! A comic about my everyday life and thoughts! One page will be uploaded every now and then, and sometimes I might post a major chapter! I will likely use an image hosting site for it. Be warned, though: I am not a digital artist, so the whole comic is drawn on paper! Here be dragons!! But if you're okay with pencil drawings, give it a read. I've been told I have a good sense of humor. Maybe you'll like it?
Back to Pokemon Prism, I think I accidentally started a new family tradition. For whatever reason, around 7:15 PM, my sisters gather in my room and watch me play Pokemon Rom Hacks. I guess this is pretty cool and all, but it caught me off guard last night when both of them came into my room just to watch me play a Gameboy Color game on a TV, not that I mind. Now they watch me as my Pokemon adventures unfold and I do silly things like catch Pokemon I have never caught, get a Cyndaquil from a random newbie trainer, and name my Pokemon inside jokes that only me and my sisters are going to get. It's a fun time, that's for sure!
As for school, one of my friends now leaves after lunch so we can eat lunch with him now! And one of his friends brought the Book of Bill yesterday. I showed him this blog too, but he seems unimpressed. Maybe one day he will be, when I make it more visually appealing. I don't know how to do that yet, though, not to mention I have a stunning lack of graphics, especially ones I've drawn. I really gotta replace all the placeholders when I can. As for my other friends? They're somewhat impressed I can even make a website, let alone write in a blog almost daily.
Did I ever mention I'm in a sewing class? It's technically called Fashion Design 1-2, but we do a lot of sewing so that's pretty clearly the main focus. I've made a few comics about sewing so just be prepared to not get some of the jokes earlier on. I'm actually good friends with most of the class already. There's a few people who play jokes and a few who don't talk to me much but I don't mind. Sewing is actually kinda fun, even if I'm bad at it. I also sit with four of my closest friends in that class so that helps too. Usually when I need help they help me!
Hey! Don't worry about spoilers this time around, I forgot to play Pokemon Prism last night and got caught up playing Scorched Silver! Hahah.. Anyways! I'll be moving to a new place in a few days. I know I've already mentioned it, but it's super close now. Only problem is how much free time I don't have as of late. And meeting new people. I'm an introvert and I'm autistic, so it's not easy to meet people who treat me like a person. It would be easier if I had normal people luxuries like actually showing my personality in size and appearance and being able to socialize with confidence. I wonder what it's like to be a normal girl.. I'll probably never know, since I'm too shy to talk to one.
I finally played Pokemon Prism, as I said I would. It's been fun so far. I like how the gym leader uses such odd slang. That definitely got a chuckle out of me. Apprently finding your mother is a major story element too? Who is your dad?? I might have to leave the last entries about this topic on their own pages for the sake of avoiding spoilers for people who haven't played it yet. If you haven't, I reccommend it. It's a good game. You can play it here! Spoilered entries for Pokemon Prism will be found here.
As for getting the font to work? Hellish. Apparently local fonts require a lot of extra code, of which has no easy tutorial?? Eh, I'll figure it out another day. I'll rework the font on the website some other time. As for now, I'll stick to CSS fonts, and experiment with those since they work on nearly all computers! I'll find some megalist of fonts or something and choose the one that looks the cutest. If that doesn't work? I have a quote for that one: "When in doubt, Courier."
I played Pokemon Fire Red this morning and finally beat Lt. Surge. I know it doesn't sound like much but the puzzle with the trash cans genuinely had me stuck for months. Talk about cowardly. Making the first trash can random was a bit much, Surge. I beat his team first try with an underleveled team though, and that was pretty cool. I'll be honest though, I totally forgot what to do next to progress so I'll have to Google that.
I wonder if I should schedule when I write these so I don't forget. I'm a bit worried that if I do though, it'll feel like a chore and I won't have anymore fun. As for website updates you may have noticed that I changed the font to Luncinda Handwriting. This is a placeholder until I can get Indie Flower working. I think I almost did earlier today but I couldn't properly test it so I quickly undid it and replaced it with Comic Sans. Not that this font looks much different than it. I think I know how to add Indie Flower but it sounds like trouble. Can you href a font? Is that a thing?? I wonder.. If not than it's no big deal. I'll likely figure something out. For now though, Google's font API is being a pain in my foot and I don't like it.
You may ask yourself "But c0rnflow3r, what is even the goal with all of this?", and to that I grace you with an answer: I want to make the font look like handwriting, but my handwriting isn't a font (sadly), so instead, I shall use a font with similar writing to my own. Keyword, similar. It won't be a one-to-one, obviously. I know there are ways to convert your handwriting into a font, however, I suck at writing with a mouse and having it actually look good. Same with drawings, so if I ever upload art here, it will probably be a photo.
Also, I have decided to play Pokemon Prism. I will update tomorrow on how it went.
Stay Tuned~!
I move houses in a week. I was told moving would be fun. Hopefully it is!! In the meantime, I'm focusing on trying to add some gifs just for funsies. I also revamped the error page so now if you just type a random url, you'll get an error screen that fits my personality a li'l more. As for what I've been up to in my freetime, I have been playing Pokemon Abstract! It's a fun game.
Later today I played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with the Video Game Club at my school. It was chaotic and I loved it.