𐔌 . ⋮ Welcome to my blog! .ᐟ ֹ ₊ ꒱

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚I'm a trans girl from Arizona who likes to play games and take photos!˚ʚ♡ɞ˚


Current website status: Editing CSS! Text and stuff on the website may go wonky for a while! Sorry..

⭑。𖦹°‧You can find my SpaceHey here!

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Fun Facts:

What you can expect me to talk about:

What I plan for the future of this site:

Well, this is a blog and all but this website is technically unfinished and is actively being updated by one person, me, an inexperienced coder who is just now learning HTML and CSS, everything currently seen, with the exception of blog entries, is subject to change. If you want more concrete goals however, here is a list:



So my hiatus may end sooner than expected. I'll take a small break for the rest of this week but I might be getting a new charger soon, thanks to my friend. Shout-out to Joshua Kinzer!! If you're reading this, hello!!

As for my current plans? I plan to add another page for photos. For a while they will just be older photos, dating to two summers ago, but eventually they'll catch up to some newer stuff! Not saying my older photos are bad or anything, they're actually pretty good! As for future plans, I need to add a header to the page with buttons to the other pages, now that I have other pages. Stay tuned, cuz I'll eventually figure it out!

9/23/24 - Short Hiatus!

So my laptop charger broke. I can literally only update this on my school computer now with limited time top write. However I have some good news! I have a cute photo I edited!


I hope you like it!


Hey, I'm back! So I moved finally. We're still unpacking tho. My laptop charger broke too so I can't update my blog at home. I'm doing this on a school computer right now. I really hope I get a new charger soon, I miss Pokemon Abstract, as well as our game nights in general. Although for now my mom's boyfriend seem more worried about forcing me to unpack all the unimportant boxes than actually getting stuff done. Who in their right mind put him in charge? Seriously it might be getting to his head. Only problem is that Mom doesn't believe me despite how obvious it is. I guess love really is blind. Maybe deaf too?

Change of subjects, in Fashion Design, we're learning about Color Theory. Sadly I ended up with a kinda weird group for this assignment, because they seem less than interested. I had to guess which colors looks good on me. Other than red, I don't really know what does so I just guessed based on what I wear. I'm just gonna hope I look amazing in red, green, and blue.

9/13/24 (spookyyy)

So I've started working on a full chapter of Hello: Don't Panic!! It won't be out for a while, but it should give more context to the previous pages. I'll call those pages the Prologue for now. I'll try to post some more pages for the Prologue in the meantime. Each chapter will have a few pages of mini skits similar to the Prologue, just for some extra "In the meantime" content. I have a problem, though.

The image hosing site I'm using limits the file sizes like crazy. 50mb is NOTHING for image hosting. That's maybe like 10 or so images max if you're talking about actual photos. I need a better image host. I'll probably switch to postimages.org if possible. I mean it was popular enough to come up in Safari's reccommended so it's probably good. And as a bonus: It's unblocked on school wifi!! So maybe that solves the prob'm.


Now introducing: Hello: Don't Panic!! A comic about my everyday life and thoughts! One page will be uploaded every now and then, and sometimes I might post a major chapter! I will likely use an image hosting site for it. Be warned, though: I am not a digital artist, so the whole comic is drawn on paper! Here be dragons!! But if you're okay with pencil drawings, give it a read. I've been told I have a good sense of humor. Maybe you'll like it?

Back to Pokemon Prism, I think I accidentally started a new family tradition. For whatever reason, around 7:15 PM, my sisters gather in my room and watch me play Pokemon Rom Hacks. I guess this is pretty cool and all, but it caught me off guard last night when both of them came into my room just to watch me play a Gameboy Color game on a TV, not that I mind. Now they watch me as my Pokemon adventures unfold and I do silly things like catch Pokemon I have never caught, get a Cyndaquil from a random newbie trainer, and name my Pokemon inside jokes that only me and my sisters are going to get. It's a fun time, that's for sure!

As for school, one of my friends now leaves after lunch so we can eat lunch with him now! And one of his friends brought the Book of Bill yesterday. I showed him this blog too, but he seems unimpressed. Maybe one day he will be, when I make it more visually appealing. I don't know how to do that yet, though, not to mention I have a stunning lack of graphics, especially ones I've drawn. I really gotta replace all the placeholders when I can. As for my other friends? They're somewhat impressed I can even make a website, let alone write in a blog almost daily.

Did I ever mention I'm in a sewing class? It's technically called Fashion Design 1-2, but we do a lot of sewing so that's pretty clearly the main focus. I've made a few comics about sewing so just be prepared to not get some of the jokes earlier on. I'm actually good friends with most of the class already. There's a few people who play jokes and a few who don't talk to me much but I don't mind. Sewing is actually kinda fun, even if I'm bad at it. I also sit with four of my closest friends in that class so that helps too. Usually when I need help they help me!


Hey! Don't worry about spoilers this time around, I forgot to play Pokemon Prism last night and got caught up playing Scorched Silver! Hahah.. Anyways! I'll be moving to a new place in a few days. I know I've already mentioned it, but it's super close now. Only problem is how much free time I don't have as of late. And meeting new people. I'm an introvert and I'm autistic, so it's not easy to meet people who treat me like a person. It would be easier if I had normal people luxuries like actually showing my personality in size and appearance and being able to socialize with confidence. I wonder what it's like to be a normal girl.. I'll probably never know, since I'm too shy to talk to one.


I finally played Pokemon Prism, as I said I would. It's been fun so far. I like how the gym leader uses such odd slang. That definitely got a chuckle out of me. Apprently finding your mother is a major story element too? Who is your dad?? I might have to leave the last entries about this topic on their own pages for the sake of avoiding spoilers for people who haven't played it yet. If you haven't, I reccommend it. It's a good game. You can play it here! Spoilered entries for Pokemon Prism will be found here.

As for getting the font to work? Hellish. Apparently local fonts require a lot of extra code, of which has no easy tutorial?? Eh, I'll figure it out another day. I'll rework the font on the website some other time. As for now, I'll stick to CSS fonts, and experiment with those since they work on nearly all computers! I'll find some megalist of fonts or something and choose the one that looks the cutest. If that doesn't work? I have a quote for that one: "When in doubt, Courier."


I played Pokemon Fire Red this morning and finally beat Lt. Surge. I know it doesn't sound like much but the puzzle with the trash cans genuinely had me stuck for months. Talk about cowardly. Making the first trash can random was a bit much, Surge. I beat his team first try with an underleveled team though, and that was pretty cool. I'll be honest though, I totally forgot what to do next to progress so I'll have to Google that.

I wonder if I should schedule when I write these so I don't forget. I'm a bit worried that if I do though, it'll feel like a chore and I won't have anymore fun. As for website updates you may have noticed that I changed the font to Luncinda Handwriting. This is a placeholder until I can get Indie Flower working. I think I almost did earlier today but I couldn't properly test it so I quickly undid it and replaced it with Comic Sans. Not that this font looks much different than it. I think I know how to add Indie Flower but it sounds like trouble. Can you href a font? Is that a thing?? I wonder.. If not than it's no big deal. I'll likely figure something out. For now though, Google's font API is being a pain in my foot and I don't like it.

You may ask yourself "But c0rnflow3r, what is even the goal with all of this?", and to that I grace you with an answer: I want to make the font look like handwriting, but my handwriting isn't a font (sadly), so instead, I shall use a font with similar writing to my own. Keyword, similar. It won't be a one-to-one, obviously. I know there are ways to convert your handwriting into a font, however, I suck at writing with a mouse and having it actually look good. Same with drawings, so if I ever upload art here, it will probably be a photo.

Also, I have decided to play Pokemon Prism. I will update tomorrow on how it went.

Stay Tuned~!



I move houses in a week. I was told moving would be fun. Hopefully it is!! In the meantime, I'm focusing on trying to add some gifs just for funsies. I also revamped the error page so now if you just type a random url, you'll get an error screen that fits my personality a li'l more. As for what I've been up to in my freetime, I have been playing Pokemon Abstract! It's a fun game.

Later today I played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with the Video Game Club at my school. It was chaotic and I loved it.


Update log coming soon.

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